Topic outline

  • General

    Remote Access

    Fulford School host a web version of Microsoft Outlook, both staff and students can use this to get access to email, calendar, contacts and tasks. This is called Microsoft Outlook Web App.

    Fulford School also operate a full remote access solution but currently is only available for staff use.

    When you are connected to the Fulford School network via Remote Access, you will have full access to software such as Microsoft Office and SIMS. You will also have full access to resources such as the staff area and your personal documents.

    Links to both of these services are available on the Remote Access Information tab but are also specified below:

    Remote Access

    Outlook Web App

    Pulse Secure User Guides (Staff Only)

    The following guides are also available via Teams, within the IT Networks Information team > Remote Access channel > Files tab.

    Remote Access - Pulse User Guide (Windows)

    Access Shared Drives (Windows)

    Remote Access - Pulse User Guide (MacOS)

    Access Shared Drives (MacOS)

    How to use Remote Access within a Browser

    1. Navigate to you will be presented with the Pulse Secure login page, log in with your Fulford School username and password.
    2. Once logged in, you will be presented with the below screen.
    3. 2-homepage.JPG
    4. You will be presented with 2 options for remote access:
      1. Pulse Secure (Client Application Sessions) This option is covered in the Remote Access - Pulse User Guide found is HTML5 based, it should work with most modern popular web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
      2. RDP Server (HTML5 Access Sessions) This option stars a remote desktop session in the browser using HTML5, it should work with most modern popular web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    5. Click on RDP Server (circled in red) to start a remote desktop session in the current browser window.

    This remote session allows you to quickly gain access to the school's network without the need to install additional software on your device.

    You can use programs that are usually available on school computer, such as SIMS and Microsoft Office. You can also browse to your user area and other shared drives on the school network.


    Make sure you properly disconnect from the session once you are finished by Logging Off. You can log off by opening the Start Menu and clicking on Log Off.


    If you sign out of pulse secure or close the tab/browser window without first Logging off, your session will remain active on the server. This can cause issues when you next logon to a school computer, as some programs cannot have more than one instance running at the same time.

  • Remote Desktop (HTML5)

    There are no software add-ons required to use Remote Access with HTML5, however, it is recommended that your chosen web browser is fully up-to-date.